Alkaline Wellness Solution

Kimura Racing Partnership

Case Study

Brief Overview

Alkaline Wellness Solutions Ltd came to Kimura Performance to see if a partnership with the Sim Racing team could increase the views and exposure that their brand would get. Alkaline Wellness Solutions Ltd believed they were paying too much for their current marketing and wanted to see if Esports could generate more exposure.


By using the company’s logos on our vehicle, our social media reach and by talking with our network/partners, we have generated consistent exposure over multiple channels. Not only have we increased organic reach over our own channels, we have also increased reach over external parties channels via the official channels.

The Results

The average LinkedIn posts containing Alkaline Wellness Solutions have reached over 2K views in a 1 week period, number of views on the official YouTube channel has over 2K views, Alkaline will be joining the Kimura Performance team at Silverstone in December to discuss future ventures together.

Case Studies