Ryan Micallef Round 2 TCR UK Croft Race Weekend Preview BRSCC Fiesta Junior Championship 2023

Croft marks the second stop on the 2023 tour for the BRSCC Fiesta Junior Championship and this year’s magnificent crop of young racers will be raring to go after their exciting opening weekend of the year as TCR UK’s official junior support series at Snetterton. With a grid of cars that look and sound the part and plenty of potential up and down the field, the drivers come to North Yorkshire with plenty of anticipation.

Ryan raced at the National Kart Cup (NKC) on the weekend of the 15th April 2023. Ryan once again demonstrated his strong development by achieving a 1st class finish in a 34-kart grid.

His focus turns back to the BRSCC Fiesta Junior Championship this weekend. After Ryan’s solid start in Round 1, registering a DNF & 1st on the podium, he looks to build and keep climbing up the table!

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